Job Description: Sell the opportunity
During last few months while I’m doing a research about communities and professional audiences in general, I got the chance to talk with many people, exploring their hiring needs, and I was a bit surprised Job Description is still an issue. A Founder and VP R&D told me it would be great to get help with this, an experienced HR also was frustrated they relay on marketing and struggling because marketing is busy with other things and they need to do it by themselves or wait (which is not an option – time is “deal breaker” in hiring…).
Therefore, I have decided to start my blog with this one. (not mentioning it’s in the top of the funnel).
What is hiring if not selling (the job opportunity)? In our super competitive market, it’s extremely hard to cut through the noise and stand out. But at the same time, it’s not that complicated. Still I find that most companies are very conservative about Job Description content and keep using: “we are…”, “qualifications”, “skills”, “Your tasks will be”, etc’ So here is your chance to be different.
Role number 1: Write the job description from your candidate point of view. (and not from your point of view – same as you sell any product).
Job description is to make sure the right candidates are curious about your job more than other jobs and eventually drive good leads through the funnel.
Like any sells process same with hiring: people will buy (your job) if they will understand “what’s in it for them”. Start with identifying your ideal candidate needs and motivation: _________________________________________________________________
It’s great you want to change the world and that you use machine learning, AI and the product is great, but still what in it for your candidates? What progress they make in their career or what is challenging about this job? How are culture and people?